Monday, February 7, 2011

Try being nice to people.... for once

I'm sure everyone has tried being nice a time or two. Me? Personally i enjoy helping others out, but I keep my eye out for people who "won't return the favor". An example, the saying "you scratch my back, I scratch yours". I sort of live to this saying, almost as a code of honor. I feel if someone does something caring for me, I should do something caring for them. Maybe not the next day, maybe not in a month, but maybe they need help years from now, I still feel as if I "owe" them that favor. Another example, a few weeks ago I lend a girl homework for our class, I went out of MY way to help someone else. Was it worth it? No, yeah she said thank you, but I don't feel as if i will ever get anything in return. I wish more people lived up to this saying of favors. So basically, try being nice to people, help them out, you may have to go out of your way to help them. But keep an eye out for people who won't return the favor!! Be warned!


  1. Yes being nice is a good trait for a person to have but they have to know when to put the foot down you know?

  2. lol, Im inspired, maybe I should start being nicer

  3. And theyre opinion of you no doubt goes up too

  4. I made a new years resolution to be nicer to people. Especially Black people.

  5. Yeah, being nice to people actually pays off in a long run.

  6. i agree being nice to people may open more doors to different stuff

  7. Recently I got myself a little notebook. I go around town helping people with tasks, and when I am done I take their picture and put it in my notebook. I make sure not to forget what I helped them doing!

  8. Yea, it's always best to be nice to people, specially when they can help you out later. Never know when you'll need a friend

  9. if you want to hear about helping people you can check out my blog im telling the story of my time doing earthquake relief in Haiti

  10. I usually get more out of people if I'm nicer than if I approach the situation like a dick
