Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gay rights you selfish bastards!

     So, gay marriage is now legal in the state I live in. About fucking time. No, i'm not gay. But I think it is truly disgusting that two people can't get married because of their gender. I'm not going to go out and protest for gay rights, but i'll do it over the internet if that counts. Land of the "free"? Yeah, alright Uncle Sam. The picture is true as shit. Gays dont care if we get married, why should we care if they do? they are not bothering anyone by getting married. And to all the religious douche bags preaching "Jesus doesn't want gays!". I'm pretty sure Jesus and "God" don't want ignorant fucks either. Go rot in a hole.


  1. I think people should be able to do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt other people. dont think gays getting married hurts many people

  2. Victimless crimes in general need to be abolished. Two consenting adults should be able to get married if they so choose.

  3. everyone is selfish no matter what your orientation.

  4. I get to hear my dad talk about "evil gays" tomorrow because he runs a church and recently I am forced to go because I live at their house again. fucking lame, let people do what they want.

  5. It's ridiculous that two straight people can get married even though they could never love each other, yet two gay people who genuinely love each other can't get married. As it was said before it's a victim-less crime, it doesn't destroy the sanctity of marriage.

  6. Tolerance is what the bible teaches, people like that really give true Christians a bad rap. Too sad.

  7. how the hell does anybody know what God or jesus would want anyways. unless they come down and say gay marriage is unacceptable then i say let the gays marry. (no homo lol)
